Trump supporter holding flag

Trump visits Penn State

By Hannah Neurohr

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. – On Saturday, Oct. 26, current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump visited Penn State's campus. Trump appeared at the Bryce Jordan Center, where he spoke for roughly an hour and a half.

With the election less than two weeks away, a sea of red gathered at the gates out of excitement to witness the campaigning efforts.

The event doors were scheduled to open at noon, but hundreds of MAGA supporters were seen lined up in the hours prior.

An anonymous source commented on some of the policies that she supported in the Trump Administration.

“Definitely the economy, all the things that he plans to do for the economy. And closing the borders. But the economy and closing borders is a big one. And just for our country to turn back to its original foundation. To follow god and biblical principles,” she said

Most of the people in line wanted their picture taken and to wave to the cameras, showing off their “Make America Great Again” merchandise, but few were willing to answer questions asked about Trump, his policies, and their thoughts regarding election day.

Another anonymous source commented on why she was out supporting Trump. She gave a straightforward answer, “We like what his values are and what he represents.”

Protest groups marched from downtown State College onto campus and eventually made it to the Bryce Jordan Center where they stood as event attendees continued to arrive.

During the hour and a half that Trump spoke, he touched on topics such as immigration, the economy, and Kamala Harris’ time as vice president. He was joined on stage by several Penn State wrestlers and eventually exited after dancing to the song “YMCA,” by Village People.

Trump is scheduled to make another appearance here in State College this weekend at Beaver Stadium.

His visit is in correspondence with a home game against Ohio State. Big Noon Kickoff and College GameDay will be in attendance, leaving this as just one more of the many ways he is rallying campaign efforts here in the state of Pa.

Hannah Neurohr is a third-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email


Author and Photo
Hannah Neurohr