
Stage West welcomes back students

By Lauren Reehl

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. - The 2024 school year is back in full swing and downtown State College is inviting students out to meet new people and have a good time.

The popular club, Stage West, is hosting a variety of events that welcome both 18 and older and 21 and older crowds.

The manager, Joshua Malkiewicz, says that they had been working to revamp the place before students came back. New renovations were completed to the lighting, LED boards and flooring.

“Every year we do a freshman icebreaker, it's just like a regular party we do. It is all 18-plus, a dry event and it is just somewhere where kids can buy tickets and come and meet people.” Malkiewicz stated.

His goal for Stage West is to provide a fun and safe atmosphere that all students can go to with their friends.

He says, “You can look forward to a lot of theme events. We try to do something called Theme Thursday. We have theme events that are catering to a ton of people's interests.”

Some popular theme nights Stage West hosts each year include Taylor Swift Night, Emo Night, Bollywood events, and many more.

Stage West is located at 420 East College Avenue. For more information regarding upcoming events and ticket sales visit their Instagram at stagewestpsu.

Lauren Reehl is a third-year student majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, please email lrr5360@psu.edu.


Lauren Reehl
Ryan Eslinger