November 04, 2024
Singles Round Up: Nov. 4

Singles Round Up – The Arts and Entertainment Department takes a look at some of the recently released singles from the past week.

“Insecure” - Ennaria ft. 6arelyhuman
“Insecure” is an experience. Ennaria is the type of artist that will never cease to surprise you and that fact is evident in this single.
Ennaria first gained fame with her song, “Monstarrr” in 2023 through TikTok. Since then she’s released only one other single, “Show Off.”
Her genre is hard to describe because her voice is similar to that of Kesha or Katy Perry and then she switches it up. This seemingly sweet singer becomes possessed and begins to scream with rage.
The rhyme scheme is a little simplistic, but she does venture out in her lyrics to make the song more interesting. For example, “You're just a bad vibe, everywhere you go/
Wearing a costume of, someone you barely know.”
The chorus is definitely the best part because it does match the Kesha and Katy vibes. Her rage screams are very random in the verses and it feels like an entirely different song.
In the bridge section of the song is when 6arelyhuman begins to sing along with Ennaria. Their duet is effectively complementary even with their vast difference in voices.
Overall, this song is a rollercoaster to listen to, but is pretty decent. Check it out!
Isabel Sweet is a third-year majoring in film production. To contact her, email