Shows that deserve another season: "Moesha"

By Joy Donald


Starring popular singer Brandy in the hit sitcom Moesha, the series follows the main character Moesha as she navigates high school and eventually college in the later episodes.

Although most episodes would go through minor plots and switches, they mainly follow the romantic, social, and parental relationships Moesha has.

In the later seasons as stated, Moesha enters college with her best friend Kim, Niecey, and Hakeem, who has had a crush on her for a very long time. These feelings were not reciprocated for the entirety of their friendship throughout childhood and adolescence, but as they reach young adulthood, they agree that they are meant to be together.

In the last episode of the season, we are confronted with a plot twist where Moesha is debating whether or not to move in with boyfriend Hakeem or best friend Niecey. As well as that, her brother has turned up kidnapped by a rival, and the biggest plot twist of all, another friend of Moesha’s finds a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom trash of Moesha’s room.

The season and show end there on a massive cliffhanger. The show was canceled allegedly from rating issues, as the season viewership had dropped dramatically following Season 6, the final season before the cancellation.

Joy Donald is a second-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email


Joy Donald