Protest held in response to Trump rally
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. - As a result of Trump’s rally at the Bryce Jordan Center this past Saturday, a protest was held that included individuals adamantly against Trump being on campus.
The protest started at 2 p.m. on the corner of East College Avenue and South Atherton Street where many gathered and signs were distributed, signs emphasizing their anger at having Trump nearby.
Those involved in the protest ranged from Penn State students to residents living in State College.
At around 2:40 p.m. the members of the rally began to make their way through downtown State College with a lane of traffic being blocked off as a result. Police cars followed behind the ongoing protest.
The protesters would make their way through the streets chanting sayings such as “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascists in PA!” and “Dare to struggle, dare to win! Make racists afraid again!”
Eventually, the protesters made their way up to the Bryce Jordan Center, leading to many moments of conflict between the protesters and the attendees of the Trump rally.
“You’re going to start World War III” a man yelled at the protesters while they were standing in front of the Bryce Jordan sign.
They made their way around the large number of people in line waiting to get into the rally at the Bryce Jordan Center. At this location, they would continue to be heckled with a lady standing in front of the protest holding up a cutout of Donald Trump’s face.
Those involved in the protest made their displeasure towards the police well known when they encountered ones on top of horses.
After this protesters made one more stop in front of the Bryce Jordan Center sign in which they posed for a picture. Then they made their way down to the Wagner Building and through campus.
Trump is set to return to State College this Saturday at Beaver Stadium and it is unknown at this time if any additional protests will occur in response to this visit.
Nikolai Wagner is a first-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To email him, contact njw5648@psu.edu.
- Author
- Nikolai Wagner
- Photographer
- Kayla Padilla