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Penn State Student Affairs hosts "Love in Full Color"

By Gavin McCue

This past Monday, Penn State Student Affairs hosted an event called “Love in Full Color” to celebrate Love Your Body Week which started last Wednesday and will end today.

The week allows students to explore their body image and understand why body image is so important.

On Monday during “Love in Full Color” students explored body image through art. Many crafts were set up including coloring, painting, watercolor painting, and gratitude rocks.

After hosting a successful event last spring Student Affairs decided to host the event again citing the importance of having a safe space for students to come and express themselves, especially in a time where inequality is something many people face.

Alexis Patkochis, a senior majoring in biobehavioral health and leader of the eating disorders and body image team for HealthWorks said “I just had a passion for, like, helping other people through HealthWorks and also, helping people accept themselves and feel confident in who they are.”

Furthermore, Patkochis said that Love in Full Color specifically allows students to be in a “relaxing and supportive environment, especially with our peer educators because they are trained to lead students through conversations about more sensitive topics.”

An outreach table was set up on Tuesday in the HUB where students were able to evaluate their self-worth and what they value. Tonight a keynote speaker will discuss body image beyond weight to close out Love Your Body Week.

To learn more about health and wellness events you can visit Penn State's student health and wellness page.

Gavin McCue is a second-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact him, please email him at gbm5327@psu.edu.


Gavin McCue
Colin Kurcoba