"Late Bloomer" - TOMI Album Review

By Jack Freiser

"Late Bloomer" - TOMI album cover

Sometimes there is nothing better than finding new music. Pam Autori has been releasing music under the name TOMI since 2017 with the release of her first single “Carry You,” one of the best debut songs to be released. She has been consistently releasing excellent singles since then.

TOMI’s sound has also continued to evolve. The indie pop artist turned to rock in 2018 with the EP “What Kind of Love." This was an incredible transition that perfectly worked with her chilling vocals.

Her sound evolved once more in 2021 with the release of her second EP “Sweet, Sweet Honey." The indie rocker turned to pop-folk with more subdued tracks with stellar instrumentals. “If I Wasn’t Yours, Who Was I” is another top-tier track that recently found a resurgence through appearing on many Spotify playlists.

After six years of consistently releasing music, it was time for TOMI to finally release a full-length album. “Late Bloomer” contains 11 refreshing tracks that perfectly incorporate all eras of TOMI’s sound.

This is a fantastic piece of work. Each song tells an intriguing story containing mesmerizing vocals and refreshing instrumentation.

The album perfectly blends pop melodies with a folk sound and powerful rock vocals. This may seem like an impossible task since there are so many different sounds included. Yet somehow it works effortlessly. There was a ton of assiduity in this work. Each thing was meticulously put in to make it not sound like a hodgepodge of random sounds.

“NUN,” the final single released before the album came out, is a nearly perfect track. It is by far the best track on this album and potentially the best song she released. Not only is the lyricism in this track truly remarkable but the jarring drums fill the song with a sense of resplendency. TOMI has very sincere and emotive vocals throughout the entirety of the album, yet they truly shine on this track. This is a truly powerful song that readers should all listen to.

Other notable tracks “If I Could,” “Skin + Bones + Chemicals” and "Thought I’d Wait, Then I Waited" all encapsulate the variety in this album. “If I Could” is a spectacular song with an earworm of a chorus. The pop melodies in this track are brilliant combined with the rock and folk-inspired instrumentation. The song encapsulates what this album is. It is a piece of work that isn’t restrained to being one thing. It is a weird blend of a ton of influences that randomly works. It is impossible to listen to this song without thinking about it for the rest of the day.

“Skin + Bones + Chemicals” is a perfect rock track with a truly impressive bridge. This song is a standout due to the lively instrumentation and yet again entrancing melodies. The song includes lyrics with a really interesting earth theme that perfectly works with the instrumentation and vocals.

The first single released for the album is probably the weakest track on the entire album. “Open Road” is not an interesting track. The chorus is repetitive and adds nothing to the track. While TOMI still sounds great on the track, it is the only song worth skipping.

Overall, this is a spectacular debut album. While this doesn’t feel like a freshman effort, it effortlessly blends all of TOMI’s eras. While this album shouldn’t work as well as it does, it is truly impressive. Fans of indie pop, rock and folk will all find many elements in this album they will love.

This is an incredibly refreshing body of work. Many twists and turns make this a very enticing album that never lags or feels dull. TOMI has truly released an impressive album that proves that she should gain more recognition. This album is definitely worth a listen.

Rating: 9/10

Reviewer’s Favorite Tracks: “NUN,” “ If I Could,” “Skin + Bones + Chemicals”

Reviewer’s Least Favorite Tracks: “Open Road”

Jack Freiser is a fourth-year majoring in telecommunications. To contact him, email jef5614@psu.edu.


Jack Freiser