
How Do Students Feel About the Dining Halls?

By Makayla Robinson

STATE COLLEGE, Pa.— Many students attend Penn State University's main campus, and somebody has to feed them all.

Penn State has put in place five residential dining halls on all corners of campus. Emily Boesler, IST senior, said there has been a large improvement in the dining halls.

“I feel like they have amped it up since covid, the first year I came in 2020 and the selections were very sparse I’ll just say,” Boesler said, “but seeing it evolve and seeing the entrees change and finding new food to eat I like seeing that change.”

StateCollege.com reports that Penn State’s menus have a large number of choices at every dining hall. They give many diverse choices to any person who may want to try.

Nick Bedrossian, a history major said “Pollock has the most selection, in my opinion, every night they make something everyone will eat. Everyone will eat french fries, everyone will eat burgers, everyone will eat pasta and pizza and then they will have at least one variety dish.”

Each dining hall has a convenience store, a buffet and other a-la-carte stations for those on the go.

Makayla Robinson is a third-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email mmr6444@psu.edu.


Makayla Robinson
Alicia Ernst