George Santos expelled from Congress

By Adrianna Gallucci

Photo of George Santos

New York Representative George Santos was expelled from the House of Representatives in a bipartisan vote on Dec. 1.

Santos, who is the subject of a 23-count federal indictment including conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States and wire fraud, has been the sixth member of the House to be expelled.

The vote was 311-114, more than the two-thirds needed to remove a member.

The Republican gained notoriety for falsifying experiences on his resume and background during his campaign and has been slapped with more charges throughout his time in Congress.

After walking out of the chamber, Santos told the press, “To hell with this place,” and pointed out that he didn’t have to answer any more questions since he was no longer an official member of Congress.

It is now up to New York Governor Kathy Hochul to make a decision regarding a special election to replace Santos.

Adrianna Gallucci is a second-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, please email


Adrianna Gallucci
Andrew Harnick/AP Photo