
Final Four Hours of THON

By Cora Rodriguez

Sunday is here! All throughout the night, music artists livened the night with jams like “Season of the Sticks” by Noah Kahn and “Life is a Highway.”

The BJC would fill up quickly as the hours till the Final Four dwindled. By 11 a.m., most of the blue BJC seats had someone in front of them. Even in the Upper Bowl, the seats were filled.

The music continued on as the anticipation grew more and more. Lissi Przybys made an appearance in her pink sparkly dress. Zyrten, a free-lance DJ also took the stage to entertain the crowd. This is the first time this DJ has taken the stage at THON.

Family Hour was next on the list for events. This hour-long commemoration and recognition touched the hearts of everyone in the BJC. For more information on what happened in this hour, check out this article.

After this heartfelt hour, THON went back to dancing as the Dancer Relations captains took the stage to do the line dance. Go Go Gadget would be the last performance of THON as this alternate band played hit music. The filled BJC sang along as the minutes ticked till 4 p.m.

Once it hit 4 p.m., the BJC applauded and celebrated the completion of 46 hours as the dancers on the floor sat. After the celebration, the THON chair members took the Four Diamonds stage to reveal the total amount and the top contributors to that final amount.

Those rankings and amount numbers are below:


1. Supply Logistics

2. Family Relation

3. Public Relations

4. Entertainment

5. Hospitality

Independent Dancer Couples

1. DMAIG - Taylor Sekelsky & Dani Sekelsky ($50,464.25)

2. Jamie Semmer & Ashley Pearson ($36,481.17)

3. McHalea Beck & Emily Borrell ($22,251.16)

4. Brooke Rockovits & McKenna Byrne ($20,570.66)

5. Caroline Newman & Emily Paulik ($20,207)

Commonwealth Campuses

1. Fayette ($98,038.33)

2. Altoona ($69,820.16)

3. Lehigh Valley ($69,563.71)

4. Behrend ($57,301.42)

5. Berks ($34,090.75)

General Organizations

1. Phi Chi Theta ($246,266.29)

2. Phi Gamma Nu ($226,306.89)

3. Phi Beta Lambda ($103,817.26)

4.Alpha Kappa Psi ($102,468.10)

5. Delta Sigma Pi ($84,339.19)

Greek Organizations

1. Zeta Tau Alpha & Alpha Tau Omega ($509,207.75)

2. Delta Zeta & Sigma Pi ($407,503.63)

3. Gamma Phi Beta & Acacia ($372,529.40)

4. Phi Kappa Psi & Alpha Omicron Pi ($344,098.47)

5. Delta Gamma & Delta Upsilon ($301,724.13)

Special Interest Organizations

1. Atlas ($227,754.46)

2. Hershey Kisses ($142,218.37)

3. FOTO ($126,183.16)

4. Eclipse ($104,565.86)

5. Apollo ($63,437.71)

Then the final event of THON, the total amount announcement. This THON 2024, $16,955,683.63 was raised by THON. This is the highest amount raised and blew last year's amount out of the water by $1,949,551.17.

Cora Rodriguez is a first-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email cir5381@psu.edu.


Cora Rodriguez
Abby Kachur