
Best Mike Lange Calls

By Andrew Deal

Mike Lange broadcasted Pittsburgh Penguins games on the radio for 46 years and became a household name and a household voice throughout the neighborhoods of Penguins fans.

Throughout his lengthy time behind the mic, he has become known for a lot of his phrases for calls during goals, beginning of games and end of games.

Lange passed away this past week at 76 years old and his legacy will live on forever throughout the sayings he made popular throughout his career.

“It’s a hockey night in Pittsburgh”

As the light’s come up, his voice is heard throughout PPG Paints Arena as the opening to every game.

Despite the team being up and down throughout his illustrious career, his voice continuously brought energy to every broadcast.

“Heeeeeeee shoots and scores”

He really makes this one of the most legendary goal calls of all time. In his strong broadcasting voice, he brought the energy with every goal that was scored, making every goal special in its own way.

“Slap me silly Sidney”

Sidney Crosby has scored 610 goals in his career and about 500 of the goals he has scored has brought the specialized call to Crosby’s great goals.

Crosby’s greatness rises to an even new level when Lange’s voice is behind his goals.

“Make me a milkshake Malkin”

The trend is starting to be set here throughout his calls with alliteration. Malkin is another scorer who has had some mesmerizing goals with Lange’s voice raising the level of the goal.

It was only right that when Lange was recognized by the entire arena, Malkin brought him a milkshake prior to the game, signifying how much it meant to have a special call for his goals.

“He beat him like a rented mule”

This one has some meaning to when he brought it out. When a player deked or got past the netminder, the rented mule was brought out.

The actual background behind it, is as if there was no hesitancy to the goalie being beat. Typically it’s a highlight-reel goal and another incredible saying behind it.

“Get in the fast lane grandma”

This one was an even bigger occasion when he brought it out. For all of the conference clinching wins, he’d pull out “Get in the fast lane grandma, the Penguins are going to the Stanley Cup”

The call signifies that they Pens are heading somewhere and that they need to get there fast for the exciting event, typically the Stanley Cup.

“You would have to be here to believe it”

With some of the other ones being some highlight-reel level plays, this one makes the most sense for when something unbelievable happens.

If a Penguins player scored or if they pulled off an upset, this saying would be used to really signify the importance of actually being there to fully believe it happened.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has just left the building”

No matter the outcome of the game, Lange would always end his call with this great saying. In fact, it became so big that the arena would always play it over the sound system as fans got up out of their seats.

It still rains throughout PPG Paints Arena after every game, but no longer over the radio broadcast.

Now, as Pens fans mourn the loss of the legendary radio announcer, Elvis, has officially left the building.

Andrew Deal is a second-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact him, please email asd5765@psu.edu


Andrew Deal
Gene J. Puskar